The Best Body Positive Books to Build a Better Body Image

Here's a list of the best body positive books to build a better body image. Make a new years resolution to read these books instead of going on another diet! 

The year is winding down, New Years Eve is on the horizon and I've got a crazy idea to make 2017 the best yet.

What if instead of starting the year with an impossible plan to go to the gym every day and spend 30 days without grains, soy, and sugar, you spent that energy nurturing body acceptance instead? Radical idea, right?

Seriously though, fast forward and imagine what life might be like if body positivity was your new years resolution? You could go into 2018 making real New Years Resolutions focused on your health and happiness, because you're no longer waiting to lose x pounds before real life can begin.

One of the biggest parts of my journey to self acceptance was immersing myself in body positive literature. In particular, it was really helpful for me to read books by women in larger bodies than me. As someone who has never faced fat stigma, I think it's really important to try and understand the experience, but also because part of body acceptance is knowing that all bodies are good bodies.

While you're out doing your holiday shopping, snag a gift for yourself and pick up one of these fabulous body positive books to read in the new year. Think of giving one as a gift to someone you love. After all, the journey to body acceptance is loooong and hard and a support system is a necessity. Here's some of my favorite body positive books to build a better body image:

The best body positive books for building a better body image

The Body Project by Joan Jacobs Brumberg // Using media images and diary entries, a historian delves deep into societies focus on appearance through the decades and psychology of why women and girls are so dissatisfied with their bodies. A great mother daughter gift to read together.

Body Respect by Linda Bacon and Lucy Aphramor // A fabulous follow up to Health at Every Size (another must-read), Body Respect will completely change how you view health and wellness by debunking common myths about weight and showing how the real damage comes from fat stigma, not fat.

Big Girl: How I Gave Up Dieting and Got a Life by Kelsey Miller // The author of the fabulous Anti Diet Project on Refinery 29, this memoir chronicles her journey from dieting and self loathing to intuitive eating and body acceptance. It's a super REAL look at the intuitive eating journey, perfect for anyone who has started this whole non-diet thing and struggling with the (expected) bumps along the way.

The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolfe // I think this book was originally written in the late 80s and I actually read it quite a few years ago when it's unabashedly feminist message made me a little uncomfortable. But it's message stuck with me and has had a profound impact on how I view messages about beauty.

The best body positive books to build a better body image

The Body Image Workbook by Thomas Cash // So this one's more clinical and less fun than the others, but it goes through a lot of the same activities I use in my practice with clients and gives real, usable advice.

Shrill by Lindy West // Full disclosure: I haven't read this book yet, but I absolutely adore Lindy West (this article about her wedding is a favorite of mine) so I feel 110% confident recommending it.

Beautiful You: A Daily Guide to Radical Self Acceptance by Rosie Molinary // Another one I haven't yet read, but I've heard so many great things about from clients and friends in the body positive community. This book has 365 ideas for embracing self acceptance.

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown // Brene Brown is probably one of the top 10 people on this planet. While not exclusively about body positivity, it's all about learning how to be enough.

Another exciting bit of news for making 2017 the year of self acceptance: Anne, Alex and I are going to be launching a self study version of our online wellness program, Joyful Eating, Nourished Life, early January! Our next live version, which includes facebook support, audio lectures and video Q&A sessions won't run until spring, so if you're wanting to start the new year off with a bang (of self love!) then stay tuned!

This year, let's try a new New Years Resolution. New year. Same you. Just a little more of a badass.

Disclosure: Links to Amazon in this post are affiliate links, meaning I make a small profit if you purchase. Any profit comes from Amazon, not you! Thanks for supporting this blog! 

Any books I should add to this list? Would love your recommendations (which hopefully I'll have a chance to read before 2018!)