The way body positivity is presented on social media can make it seem like the goal is to love your appearance. But what if that feels off limits? If it feels like you can’t love your body, there are other ways to explore body positivity. One of those tools is the body image spectrum.
Read MoreBody image healing is a lifelong journey, not a thing that can be “fixed” with a body positive mantra or by choosing to love your looks. Still, if you’re a “homework” person, you might find it helpful to have specific exercises or activities to do for improving body image. This blog post shares five of my favorites!
Read MoreFood freedom is liberating, but you're still surrounded by diet culture. Diet talk can strain your relationships, and your own sanity as you try to maintain a healthy relationship with food. This post shares two of my favorite strategies for helping my clients deal with unwanted diet talk.
Read MoreFor most people, part of the intuitive eating process is accepting that your body may be bigger than the body you have spent a good chunk of your life working towards. For understandable reasons, that can trigger some pretty intense emotions through a process called body grief. This blog post explains the stages of body grief, and ideas for processing through each.
Read MoreBody image feeling kind of ick? Body checking is a common behavior that people engage in, especially when they struggle with an eating disorder or disordered eating, and it can fuel negative body image. Read this post to learn what body checking is, and how you can stop it.
Read MoreFeeling inadequate after seeing someone’s before and after weight loss picture? We’ve all seen how photoshop, different poses and clothes can distort things, but the problem with these pictures goes deeper than that. The truth about before and after weight loss pictures is that they’re a fleeting moment in time, and never communicate the whole story.
Read MoreBody image work is hard. Every day we’re exposed to dozens of messages and triggers telling us that we don’t stack up to an unrealistic beauty ideal. It’s easy to identify these triggers, but what about identifying the spaces where you feel body peace?
Read MoreUs women face a lot of scrutiny over how we look. But it's through words and actions that we gain confidence, not our appearance.
Read MoreHere's a list of the best body positive books to build a better body image. Make a new years resolution to read these books instead of going on another diet!
Read MoreThe only detox you'll ever need? A social media detox! Learn why ridding your life of negative influences and curating a more diverse view of beauty can build positive body image. Plus, I'm sharing a list of my favorite body positive instagrammers for you to follow.
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