The way body positivity is presented on social media can make it seem like the goal is to love your appearance. But what if that feels off limits? If it feels like you can’t love your body, there are other ways to explore body positivity. One of those tools is the body image spectrum.
Read MoreYour weight is not your worth, and yet we live in a society that does value certain bodies over others. So it makes sense that you might need a reminder of who you are outside of a body size. This blog post shares one of my favorite creative activities for building self worth.
Read MoreBody image healing is a lifelong journey, not a thing that can be “fixed” with a body positive mantra or by choosing to love your looks. Still, if you’re a “homework” person, you might find it helpful to have specific exercises or activities to do for improving body image. This blog post shares five of my favorites!
Read MoreFor most people, part of the intuitive eating process is accepting that your body may be bigger than the body you have spent a good chunk of your life working towards. For understandable reasons, that can trigger some pretty intense emotions through a process called body grief. This blog post explains the stages of body grief, and ideas for processing through each.
Read MoreIf you’re feeling unhappy with your body, more than likely you are fixating on the supposed benefits of weight loss. But do you ever stop to think about what you are sacrificing or missing out on by dieting?
Read MoreBody image feeling kind of ick? Body checking is a common behavior that people engage in, especially when they struggle with an eating disorder or disordered eating, and it can fuel negative body image. Read this post to learn what body checking is, and how you can stop it.
Read MoreIntuitive eating is a journey, one with plenty of ups and downs along the way. In this post, I discuss three common challenges in intuitive eating along with tips for how to move past them.
Read MoreAre you stuck in an unhealthy relationship with the scale? Weighing yourself frequently can contributes to an unhealthy relationship with food and your body, create stress, and frankly, isn’t even that accurate. Learn why you should get rid of your scale and tips for how to stop obsessively weighing yourself. Remember, you are so much more than a number!
Read MoreCurious about intuitive eating and not sure where to start? I’ve got ya! This post covers intuitive eating basics including the 10 principles of intuitive eating, myths and misconceptions, and how to get started with intuitive eating. It also has links to my most helpful intuitive eating blog posts, plus resources for where to learn more.
Read MoreBody image work is hard. Every day we’re exposed to dozens of messages and triggers telling us that we don’t stack up to an unrealistic beauty ideal. It’s easy to identify these triggers, but what about identifying the spaces where you feel body peace?
Read MoreIf you were to try and understand body image via #bopo body positivity, you’d be forgiven for believing it’s all about liking your looks. While I’m glad body positivity has become more mainstream, that mainstreaming has also diluted it’s original message. In reality, body image is about a lot more than liking your looks.
Read MoreBody acceptance is something that’s easier said than done. In today’s post, I’m sharing a journaling prompt that focusses on what you have accomplished in your here-and-now body as a way of fostering gratitude for your body for where it’s at today. If body positivity feels really far off for you, read this post.
Read MoreWeight science is SO much more complex than the fat = bad narrative you always hear. Body fat, or adipose tissue, is not this inert thing - it serves many roles in our body’s health and function. Read on to learn about the benefits of body fat, and how understanding it’s purpose can help you make peace with your body.
Read MoreOne of the places my clients struggle with negative body image the most is around clothing and shopping. It’s frustrating when old clothes don’t fit, or you have a hard time finding clothes in your size in stores. Having comfortable clothes you feel good about is important. Here’s tips on dressing your here-and-now body, plus suggestions for brands that sell a wide variety of sizes.
Read MoreSomething has always rubbed me the wrong away about the saying “your body is a temple.” Have you ever visited a temple before? They require pretty intensive upkeep! Instead, I like to think of my body as a home, a comfortable place in which I live my life. Learn how to view your body as your home, and what that means for how you take care of it.
Read MoreDoes body positivity feel really out of reach? In this guest post by dietetic intern Christyna Johnson, she explores discovering body gratitude, a way of feeling grateful for the experiences your body allows you to have. Learn how you can use this concept to bridge poor body image and body positivity!
Read MorePart of building a healthier relationship with your body is learning to value other people for more than their appearance. Start to look beyond the exterior when you give someone a compliment. Here’s 20 things to compliment someone on other than their appearance.
Read MoreTry as we might, there's no way to stop aging. Transition phases of life, reminders that we're getting older, can be scary. This post talks about body images through stages of life, including specific challenges that people face in these phases, and how to cope with the discomfort of of a changing, aging body.
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