As a non-diet dietitian, I’ve learned there’s a lot of questions and misconceptions about what we do that can make people afraid to reach out for help. Learn what to expect working with a non-diet dietitian in this article.
Read MoreIf you’re feeling unhappy with your body, more than likely you are fixating on the supposed benefits of weight loss. But do you ever stop to think about what you are sacrificing or missing out on by dieting?
Read MoreIf you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it might feel like you have to be on a super strict diet for life. In reality, “all food fits” is still true for you. This post explores intuitive eating for diabetes with non-diet nutrition for diabetes management.
Read MoreWe all grow up steeped in diet culture, so of course we’re constantly battling diet mentality. Dealing with these thoughts can make eating really stressful! Read this post to learn tools for how to reframe diet mentality thoughts in intuitive eating.
Read MoreDiet advice is all about restriction and willpower. It tells you to “just say no” to all the foods you love and enjoy - no wonder so many people are trapped in a cycle or restriction and binging! If you’re wondering how to make peace with food and become a more intuitive eater, it starts with giving yourself permission to eat the foods you love.
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