Set point weight theory is a helpful concept for understanding weight science, the fluctuations you experience in weight, “healthy weight,” and why diets don’t work. This blog post explains what set point weight range is and answers commonly asked questions about it.
Read MoreBMI charts are as ubiquitous to doctors offices as stethoscopes and thermometers, a crude formula that categorizes people into categories based on weight. Most people recognize the BMI scale has problems, but most don’t realize just how bunk BMI actually is. Learn about the problems with BMI, and why we should stop using this metric to measure health.
Read MoreThere’s a lot of people who connect with the body positivity movement, but wonder what to do if they’ve been told they have to lose weight for health reasons. If that’s you, read this article for some things to think about in deciding how to care for your body.
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