Posts in Wellness
What is Intuitive Eating? Beginners Guide to the Intuitive Eating Principles

Curious about intuitive eating and not sure where to start? I’ve got ya! This post covers intuitive eating basics including the 10 principles of intuitive eating, myths and misconceptions, and how to get started with intuitive eating. It also has links to my most helpful intuitive eating blog posts, plus resources for where to learn more.

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Diet Mythbusters Part 1: Food and Nutrition Myths that Never Die

When someone finds out I’m a dietitian, one of the first comments I get is “oh, so you tell people what to eat.” In my office, we do a lot more UNLEARNING! There’s so much misinformation out there about nutrition, and that can make eating really stressful, constantly worrying if you’re doing something potentially harmful. In that light, this year for National Nutrition Month I’m busting the most common nutrition myths. In part 1, we’re covering nutrition myths that never seem to die!

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What I wish more people understood about eating disorders

There are so many misconceptions about eating disorders, within dietetics, and in the general population, and that’s created a world that’s really dangerous for those with eating disorders or at risk. It prevents people both from asking for help when they need it, and receiving adequate care when they do.

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IBS and Intuitive Eating Part 4: A Personal Narrative

I’m back with part 4 of my IBS and Intuitive Eating series. Today is a personal story from my part time dietitian Kate, of how she learned what’s best for her IBS symptoms was not more fiber, water and exercise, like EVERY doctor told her, but rather less of those things! Learn how intuitive eating helped Kate make peace with food, and soothe her stomach symptoms.

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What an Intuitive Eater Eats in the Day: The Airplane Food Edition

In this crazy mixed up diet culture we live in, sometimes it’s hard to know what a “normal” day of eating looks like. WHY I ate Wednesday post is to give you an inside look at intuitive eating in action, looking at what guides my eating decisions and how that plays out throughout the day. In this edition, I talk about eating when traveling, flexible eating, and eating unsatisfying food.

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Why I Ate Wednesday: The Boston Edition

In this crazy mixed up diet culture we live in, sometimes it’s hard to know what a “normal” day of eating looks like. WHY I ate Wednesday post is to give you an inside look at intuitive eating in action, looking at what guides my eating decisions and how that plays out throughout the day. In this edition, I talk about eating on vacation, brain knowledge and body knowledge in intuitive eating, not eating vegetables, and regretting food choices.

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Nutrition Facts Are Just Information

At a certain point in your intuitive eating journey, nutrition facts can be helpful, and not harmful. I usually don’t recommend reading the nutrition facts, but it can serve as a source of useful information when the meaning of those numbers is neutralized and detached from trying to manipulate your body size. Learn why nutrition facts are just information.

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