Posts in Wellness
A Simple Tool for Creating Healthier Habits - the Intuitive Eating Way!

Intuitive eating is a profound act of self care, but when it comes to incorporating gentle nutrition and other self care in a more intentional way, sometimes people can feel stuck in how to do that without turning it into a diet. In this post, learn a simple tool for how to create healthier habits - the intuitive eating way!

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Emotional Eating in Intuitive Eating: How To Build A Self Care Toolbox

Struggling with emotional eating? It’s one of the most common challenges I hear from my clients. When you’re working through intuitive eating, the process teaches you how to cope with your emotions with other tools. That said, food can be ONE tool to cope with emotions! This post teaches you how to build a self care toolbox, one of my favorite strategies for dealing with emotional eating in intuitive eating.

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