Posts in Wellness
The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating for Diabetes

As a non-diet approach, intuitive eating might seem like it’s not for people with diabetes, a chronic condition that (supposedly) must be managed with a strict diet. While intuitive eating for diabetes might look a little different, it’s still a tool you can use to take some stress out of managing diabetes and to help control blood sugar levels.

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The MANY Problems with BMI - aka The BS Measuring Index

BMI charts are as ubiquitous to doctors offices as stethoscopes and thermometers, a crude formula that categorizes people into categories based on weight. Most people recognize the BMI scale has problems, but most don’t realize just how bunk BMI actually is. Learn about the problems with BMI, and why we should stop using this metric to measure health.

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Intuitive Eating During Pregnancy: How It Helped Me Have a Healthier, Less Stressful Pregnancy

One of the benefits of intuitive eating is that it can help you navigate many different seasons of life. This blog post explores intuitive eating during pregnancy, and how it can help you cope with some of the very common joys of pregnancy, including reflux, morning sickness, and iron deficiency.

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