Posts in Wellness
Why Do I Feel Hungry? Understanding Hunger Cues in Intuitive Eating

If you’re someone who has tried to diet, only to be foiled by intense hunger cues, you might be wondering why do I feel so hungry when I’m trying to stick to a diet? This post discusses the biological basis of how hunger cues work, and how intuitive eating can help normalize your hunger cues so you’re able to feed yourself adequately and appropriately throughout the day.

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Intuitive Eating for Diabetes: Part Two - Non-Diet Nutrition for Diabetes Management

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, it might feel like you have to be on a super strict diet for life. In reality, “all food fits” is still true for you. This post explores intuitive eating for diabetes with non-diet nutrition for diabetes management.

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Why am I Feeling Hungry After Eating? Satisfaction vs. Fullness in Intuitive Eating

Wondering why am I feeling hungry after eating? Intuitive eating is all about using internal cues, like hunger and fullness, to guide eating. But sometimes Intuitive Eating is taught as a "hunger/fullness" diet, which overlooks the importance of satisfaction, which is an even more important cue to stop eating. Learn the difference between satisfaction and fullness in intuitive eating.

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Can I Diet to Lose Weight Before Starting Intuitive Eating?

Pretty much everyone who is interested in intuitive eating holds some desire for weight loss, because otherwise they’d already be a pretty intuitive eater. We live in a culture that is obsessed with dieting and thinness. So of course the question of can I diet to lose weight before starting intuitive eating is a common one. In this post, I dive into why you don’t have to lose weight before starting intuitive eating, and why you can start eating more intuitively today!

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How to Stop Obsessively Weighing Yourself

Are you stuck in an unhealthy relationship with the scale? Weighing yourself frequently can contributes to an unhealthy relationship with food and your body, create stress, and frankly, isn’t even that accurate. Learn why you should get rid of your scale and tips for how to stop obsessively weighing yourself. Remember, you are so much more than a number!

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How to Make Peace with Food

Diet advice is all about restriction and willpower. It tells you to “just say no” to all the foods you love and enjoy - no wonder so many people are trapped in a cycle or restriction and binging! If you’re wondering how to make peace with food and become a more intuitive eater, it starts with giving yourself permission to eat the foods you love.

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The Truth About Before and After Weight Loss Pictures

Feeling inadequate after seeing someone’s before and after weight loss picture? We’ve all seen how photoshop, different poses and clothes can distort things, but the problem with these pictures goes deeper than that. The truth about before and after weight loss pictures is that they’re a fleeting moment in time, and never communicate the whole story.

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How Dieting Affects Your Social Life

One of the most important aspects of health is having strong social connections. Yet diets that are frequently prescribed, supposedly to improve health, lead to social isolation by making it challenging for you to be flexible and enjoy social events that involve food. In this post, learn how dieting affects your social life and harms your health, and why flexible, intuitive eating supports wellness and longevity.

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Human beings were designed to be flexible around food.

When you look at eating practices and traditions around the world, one thing is clear: human beings were designed to be flexible around food. We have survived by being able to adapt our diet to whatever food is available in a wide variety of environments. Read this post to learn how you can debunk common diet myths and rules by looking at different cultures eating patterns and practices.

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