Because dieting is so normalized in our culture, sometimes it can be hard to know if your struggles with food are enough to need treatment for disordered eating or an eating disorder. This blog post shares 5 signs that you are sick enough for treatment.
Read MoreBored of the usual bland chicken breast for dinner? Try this easy and elegant recipe for pesto and sun-dried tomato chicken roulades, made with only four ingredients! It’s surprisingly simple to make.
Read MoreSet point weight theory is a helpful concept for understanding weight science, the fluctuations you experience in weight, “healthy weight,” and why diets don’t work. This blog post explains what set point weight range is and answers commonly asked questions about it.
Read MoreWith all the fearmongering about overeating, it’s easy to minimize the risk of not eating enough. Food is our body’s source of fuel, and undereating is dangerous. This blog post details 10 symptoms of undereating to help make sure you’re eating enough.
Read MoreThese granola scones are tender with a bit of crunch! Perfect for breakfast or as a sweet snack. They’re super hearty and satisfying!
Read MoreFood freedom is liberating, but you're still surrounded by diet culture. Diet talk can strain your relationships, and your own sanity as you try to maintain a healthy relationship with food. This post shares two of my favorite strategies for helping my clients deal with unwanted diet talk.
Read MoreGive your traditional Italian meatballs an upgrade with this recipe for spaghetti and spicy meatballs. They’re extra tender and juicy, thanks to a few easy tricks, and flavored with a blend of Italian herbs and spices.
Read MoreFor most people, part of the intuitive eating process is accepting that your body may be bigger than the body you have spent a good chunk of your life working towards. For understandable reasons, that can trigger some pretty intense emotions through a process called body grief. This blog post explains the stages of body grief, and ideas for processing through each.
Read MoreAre you trying to eat intuitively, but worried that diet mentality might be influencing your food choices? This blog post shares a simple question you can ask yourself to eat more intuitively.
Read MoreA few weeks ago I had the honor of attending a farm tour in Monterey, CA with the Alliance for Food and Farming. I learned all about safe and sustainable agriculture in the region, and am excited to share what I learned with you all!
Read MoreIn mainstream discourse about food and nutrition, food is often put into binary categories of good and bad, healthy and unhealthy. This blog discusses why you should stop labelling food good and bad and the harms of binary thinking around food.
Read MoreHealth is often thought of as the outcome of food and fitness, but mental health is health too. If your behaviors around food and fitness are damaging to your mental health, then it's not actually healthy.
Read MoreFor many people, running is an essential tool for stress relief. But did you know that running is actually a stressor on the body? Read this blog post to understand the relationship between running and cortisol, and how you can run in a safe way.
Read MoreThanks to the diet industry co-opting wellness, it can be hard to distinguish if a food choice is stemming from gentle nutrition or diet mentality. Read this blog post to explore the difference.
Read MoreAs a non-diet approach, intuitive eating might seem like it’s not for people with diabetes, a chronic condition that (supposedly) must be managed with a strict diet. While intuitive eating for diabetes might look a little different, it’s still a tool you can use to take some stress out of managing diabetes and to help control blood sugar levels.
Read MoreConfused by the glycemic index? Originally developed as a tool to help people choose foods that are better for their blood sugar, the glycemic index may seem to make intuitive sense. Unfortunately, it’s based on pretty bad science. Read this blog post to debunk the glycemic index.
Read MoreWe’ve all heard breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what do you do when you’re not hungry? This blog post explores the reasons you might have no appetite in the morning, and gives ideas for what to eat when you have no appetite.
Read MoreBecoming a private practice dietitian was the scariest, yet most rewarding decision I've ever made. Almost 10 years after launching my nutrition private practice, I can look back and see there’s a lot I wish I knew! Today, I'm sharing what to know before starting starting a nutrition private practice for any of you aspiring entrepreneurial dietitians.
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