Understanding the Stages of Body Grief

For most people, part of the intuitive eating process is accepting that your body may be bigger than the body you have spent a good chunk of your life working towards. For understandable reasons, that can trigger some pretty intense emotions through a process called body grief. This blog post explains the stages of body grief, and ideas for processing through each.

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The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating for Diabetes

As a non-diet approach, intuitive eating might seem like it’s not for people with diabetes, a chronic condition that (supposedly) must be managed with a strict diet. While intuitive eating for diabetes might look a little different, it’s still a tool you can use to take some stress out of managing diabetes and to help control blood sugar levels.

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What to Know to Become a Private Practice Dietitian

Becoming a private practice dietitian was the scariest, yet most rewarding decision I've ever made. Almost 10 years after launching my nutrition private practice, I can look back and see there’s a lot I wish I knew! Today, I'm sharing what to know before starting starting a nutrition private practice for any of you aspiring entrepreneurial dietitians. 

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